Desert Sky Archers is a Competitive and Recreational target archery club.
Desert Sky coaches teach competitive form to improve shooting skills for the casual to highly skilled archer.​
Desert Sky Club JOADs Team practice on Wednesday and Friday evenings 7:00 to 9:00PM. ​
All DSA members are allowed to practice on Wednesday and Fridays from 5PM to 7PM. This is open shooting time and not club coaching time.
Policies and fees for Desert Sky JOAD are as follows:
Desert Sky JOAD archers must be a member of Desert Sky Archers and the USA Archery Association (DSA fees do not include the USA Archery Membership fee)
Membership is based on Six Months.
Payment is required by end of February and August each year.
Membership Level in Team Desert Sky Archers
DSA Member
Dues are $150 per six months for the first family member, each additional family member is $75
Use of club equipment for the first six months while shooting at the Ben Avery Range
Approximately 3 to 4 practices a month
Must volunteer 3 times a year per family (see volunteer policy)
Ages 8 years and up (younger may be allowed with interview)
Each family has 1 vote in general membership voting
Open practice Wednesday and Friday 5PM-7PM
Coached Practice Friday 7PM to 9PM
Volunteer Policy
Desert Sky Archers strives to keep our costs down for our membership. We can only achieve this through our membership donating their time and hard work. Our policy is as follows:
Each family MUST volunteer 3 times at minimum. 1 volunteer time is equal to about 5 hours. Meaning you must volunteer for 4-5 hours to get 1 volunteer time
Volunteering for tournaments will be broken up into times and each volunteer into a job that is comfortable for the volunteer.
Volunteering will be kept track to ensure everyone meets their volunteering time.
Families can opt out of volunteering under new membership level.
Membership without volunteer time
DSA Member Level
As above under DSA Membership to all items
Exception: membership dues are $300 per six months
additional member level family is $150 per six months
Other Requirements to be a member of DSA
Archer must be a member of USA Archery-Full Membership, not recreational membership
Any parent or family member(over 15) that volunteers must take Safesport
Understand the Rules and Regulations of USA Archery and World Archery
Follow the Athlete’s Pledge, Non Athlete’s Pledge, Code of Conduct, and Code of Ethics
Coaching Staff
Meet our dedicated archery coaching staff, a team of passionate individuals committed to helping you reach your full potential. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the sport, they provide personalized guidance and support to every archer. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, our coaches are here to inspire and elevate your performance. Join us and experience the difference that expert coaching can make!
The DSA Challenge Coin
Hystory and Meaning
The Challenge Coin has a wide reaching history, with some stories going back as far as World War I and others going back to the Medieval periods of France. The most common story.

An allied pilot was shot down behind enemy lines. Being captured by the Germans, the pilot was able to escape to the hands of the French troops. Unable to speak the language or identify themselves, the pilot used a coin with his unit’s logo as a way to identify themselves as an allied soldier. The coin hung around the neck of the pilot in a small bag and was able to escape confiscation by the Germans due to the fact that they thought it was jewelry. The French troops then took the pilot and returned him to friendly territory. Other stories involve the Hugenots in medieval France. The Hugenots were being persecuted by King Louis for their belief in ProtestanGsm. They used their communion coin to idenGfy themselves to other Protestants.
The Challenge Coin is commonly used by military, police, and fire organizations to recognize a special event or honor. Organizations like the United States Congress and the President of the United States will give out a challenge coin to symbolize a special event that occurred, including inaugurations or visiting with special dignitaries. The idea for the challenge coin in archery comes from United States Marine Corps Major Eric “Trainwreck” Burket. A V22 Osprey pilot, he has overcome numerous obstacles ranging from a plane crash to the loss of his legs over time to become one of archery’s most memorable and unforgettable figures.

He commissioned a challenge coin to memorialize those who has helped him achieve his goals along the way. Desert Sky commissioned a challenge coin to honor those who have performed above and beyond in the sport of Archery, whether it be in service to others or through excepGonal performance in the heat of compeGGon. On one side of the coin is the Desert Sky Logo. On the other side of the coin is the Greek Goddess Artemis. Artemis is the symbolic patroness of archery in Greek mythology. Inscribed on the coin is the phrase “Trust in the Process. Trust in Yourself.” It is an uncommon award – no archery organizaGon has commissioned a challenge coin to honor those in this sport, unGl now. Desert Sky board members carry a challenge coin with them at major tournaments, ready to give recogniGon to those who carry the spirit of those who excel.