Desert Sky Challenge Coin

The DSA Challenge Coin – history and meaning
The Challenge Coin has a wide reaching history, with some stories going back as far as World
War I and others going back to the Medieval periods of France.
The most common story – An allied pilot was shot down behind enemy lines. Being captured by
the Germans, the pilot was able to escape to the hands of the French troops. Unable to speak
the language or identify themselves, the pilot used a coin with his unit’s logo as a way to
identify themselves as an allied soldier. The coin hung around the neck of the pilot in a small
bag and was able to escape confiscation by the Germans due to the fact that they thought it
was jewelry.
The French troops then took the pilot and returned him to friendly territory.
Other stories involve the Hugenots in medieval France. The Huguenots were being persecuted by
King Louis for their belief in Protestantism. They used their communion coin to identify
themselves to other Protestants.
Today, the Challenge Coin is commonly used by military, police, and fire organizations to
recognize a special event or honor. Organizations like the United States Congress and the
President of the United States will give out a challenge coin to symbolize a special event that
occurred, including inaugurations or visiting with special dignitaries.
The idea for the challenge coin in archery comes from United States Marine Corps Major Eric
“Trainwreck” BurkeT. A V22 Osprey pilot, he has overcome numerous obstacles ranging from a
plane crash to the loss of his legs over time to become one of archery’s most memorable and
unforgettable figures. He commissioned a challenge coin to memorialize those who has helped
him achieve his goals along the way.
Desert Sky commissioned a challenge coin to honor those who have performed above and
beyond in the sport of Archery, whether it be in service to others or through exceptional
performance in the heat of competition.
On one side of the coin is the Desert Sky Logo. On the other side of the coin is the Greek
Goddess Artemis. Artemis is the symbolic patroness of archery in Greek mythology. Inscribed
on the coin is the phrase “Trust in the Process. Trust in Yourself.”
It is an uncommon award – no archery organization has commissioned a challenge coin to honor
those in this sport, until now. Desert Sky board members carry a challenge coin with them at
major tournaments, ready to give recognition to those who carry the spirit of those who excel.

Awarded the Challenge Coin

Terry LaBeau

Lacey Wyatt

Arvid Veidmark

Alfred Patterson

Allen Alihodzic

Katie Krebs

Sanel Alihodzic

Michael McCulloch

Kristine Krebs

Tim Liston

Steve Yee

Krista Colonna

Rick Bachman

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